Minor Violation (A)
- Late returning of books for no more than 2 (two) weeks
- Removing book cover/label
- Borrowing locker for more than 5 hours without notification
• Receiving a letter stating minor offense and changing the cover of the book according to the provisions of the library, and also experiencing temporary blocking.
Minor violation (B)
- Minor violation (A) for the second time
- Late returning of books more than 2 (two) weeks and up to 1 (one) month
- Late payment of fines for more than 3 (three) days
- Bringing the locker key home or keeping the locker key after library opening hours
- Book photocopying by cutting the original
- Returning the book in a wet condition that causes damage
- Receiving a letter stating minor offense, paying a fine for the locker key of Rp25,000.00 or donating a collection of the latest edition of Indonesian economic books.
- Book photocopying by cutting the original is subject to a book repair fee of Rp50,000.00.
- Returning a book in a wet condition is subject to a penalty of replacing it with a new book with the same title. All types of Minor offense (B) are subject to additional penalty of membership blocking for 1 (one) month.
Major Violation (A)
- Having minor violation (A) for the third time or minor violation (B) for the second time
- Experiencing lost item
- Late payment of fines for more than 1 (one) month
- Late returning of collections for more than 1 (one) month
- Experiencing lost a locker lock
- Lending your membership card or identity card to unauthorized persons
- Receiving a letter stating minor offense, temporary blocking of membership card for 1 (one) semester, replacement of locker keys (1 set), replacement of collections, permanent blocking of membership, blocking of study plan system (KRS) and blocking of exam activity.
Major Violation (B)
- Tearing the collection and or creating damage for the collection
- Stealing or taking collections without following the procedure
- Damaging library facilities
• Membership permanent blocking, replacement of library collections, suspension of classes and lectures for 1 (one) semester, other additional panalties (to be discussed with the Library)