
Regular Members

  • FEB UGM students (S1, S2, S3, IUP, Profession)
  • Lecturers & Professional Staff of FEB UGM
  • Course participants held by the UGM FEB
  • Non-FEB Academic Community within UGM
  • Having the right to borrow books and access database

Reading members

  • S1/S2/S3/Professional students outside UGM
  • UGM Alumni
  • Special staff from agencies/institutions/research organisations outside UGM
  • Only having read rights and computer access

Membership Fee

  • Registration for Regular Members from UGM is FREE
  • Registration for Reading Members: Alumni, S1/S2/S3/Professional students outside UGM Rp. 25.000/month; and special staff from the agencies/institutions/research organisations outside UGM Rp. 50.000,-/month.
  • Payment should be made to Bank Mandiri a.n. UGM KAF Penerimaan Perpustakaan No. Rek. 88888 020 110 80003

Membership registration documents

Regular Members

  • o Filling in the Registration Form
  • o Showing student cards (for students)
  • o Showing employee cards (for UGM lecturers & professional staff)

Reading Members

  • o Filling in the registration form
  • o Submitting 1 sheet of 2 x 3 colour photographs
  • o Showing a valid identity card
  • o Paying administration fees
  • o Showing a cover letter from the home institution

Membership Registration link: