Types of Service

Types of Service

  • Circulation Service
  • Reference Service
  • User Education Service


User Services

  • Our Library is an open library system
  • The visitors must show a valid student card to visit, borrow or use library facilities.
  • Maximum borrowing of books is 3 (three) copies for period of 7 (seven) days.
  • Extension of the loan can be done a maximum of 2 (two) times unless the status of the book is ordered by another user.
  • The right to extend the borrowing period of the book will be invalid if the library member is late in extending the borrowing period.
  • Being late in returning books is subject to a fee of Rp. 5.000,- per day/copy.
  • FEB students can renew their books online one day before the returning date.
  • Library members (non-FEB UGM) can borrow a maximum of 1 (one) copy for a borrowing period of 7 (seven) days and do not have the right to extend the borrowing period.
  • For reference collections on the 4th floor, photocopies are only allowed based on certain restrictions.
  • All users have the right to use supporting facilities such as lockers, reading desks, computers and other facilities.